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Hersteller | Funke (Adenau) |
Breite × Höhe | 150 mm × 212 mm |
Seitenanzahl | 8 |
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48 different filament voltages are available starting from 0.7 volt and going up to 117 volt. These fixed voltages are arranged in such a way that all new values between 0.7 and 117 volt which may be used in the future are available with a tolerance which is small enough to grant exact measurement. The right filament voltage is provided automatically by the test card, thus here the device is foolproof again.
There are 11 plate voltages: 10V DC, 30V DC, 60V DC, 100V DC, 150V DC and 200 V DC and 10 V AC, 30V AC, 60 V AC and 100 V AC. The right voltages are also provided automatically by means of the test card (punched card); thus, the device is foolproof again.
Screen grid voltages have to be DC voltages, there are five fixed values: 10V DC, 30V DC, 60V DC, 100V DC and 150V DC. These values are sufficient for testing all tubes with more than one grid. The right voltage is provided automatically by the test card (punched card); the device is foolproof again.
There are no control knobs which have to be adjusted to the correct value, but all plate and screen and auxiliary voltages are provided for at fixed values and connected automatically by the test card. Since there is nothing to adjust manually no mistake is possible, again the device is foolproof.
Voltage regulator tubes guarantee that no line voltage change will affect the measurements, The voltage regulator tube GR 150 A has proved its reliability since 1935, furthermore we supply only specimens with the smallest possible tolerances.
Noisy tubes will also be found easily by connecting a speaker to special terminals provided for this purpose. If tubes where noise is not be harmful (such as diodes or rectifiers) are checked these terminals are disconnected automatically. The device is foolproof again.
The vacuum measurement is performed automatically by turning the main selector switch into the corresponding position, if tubes where a vacuum test has no meaning (rectifiers, gas-filled tubes, relaxation oscillator tubes) are tested the corresponding position of the selector switsch doesn’t make any connection; the device is foolproof again.
The meter has many ranges: 1mA, 2.5mA, 10mA, 25mA, 50mA, 100mA, 250mA. 10V DC, 150V DC, 250V DC. The right range is also connected automatically by the test card (punched card).
Weitere Dokumente in diesem Satz „Konvolut Dokumente Funke Adenau“:
- Schaltplan W20
- Prüfkartenindex im Kartenformat
- Hinweiszettel: „Vorsicht! Empfindliche Elektrische Meßgeräte“
- Transistor-Adapter für die Röhrenmeßgeräte W19 + W20
- FUNKE – Personenruf-Funkanlage in freier Strahlung
- FUNKE-Oszillograf
- Briefumschlag groß
- Bedienungsanweisung zum FUNKE-Röhrenvoltmeter Type: W22
- Standard-Röhrenvoltmeter
- Bildröhrenmeßgerät für den Kundendienst Modell W 21
- Preisliste – Meßgeräte der Firma Max FUNKE KG. – Gültig ab Juli 1968
- Instruction for the Tube Tester Type W 19
- Datenblatt EL509
- Datenblatt PCL200
- Datenblatt PL509
- Briefumschlag klein
- Briefumschlag Luftpost
- Versandtasche metrofunk
- Unbekannte Skizze
- Prospekt W21/II mit „NEU“-Stempel